
Upcoming Events 2012

Upcoming Events 2012 from the Church News

-2012 Meeting Invites Young Women to Arise and Shine Forth
This year’s general Young Women meeting will take place on Saturday, March 24, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. at the Conference Center in SLC see more...

-FamilySearch to Launch Major 1940 US Census Indexing Project:
FamilySearch, in collaboration with other leading genealogy organizations, will begin publishing the 1940 U.S. Federal Census online for free on April 2, 2012—and tens of thousands of indexers are needed to help make the digital images searchable online see more...

How can the youth of the Freedom First Ward be involved? About 100,000 additional indexers are needed; you can be one of them.

Volunteers can help with the 1940 U.S. Census project online at FamilySearch.org/1940Census.

-International Art Competition Invites Youth to Let Talents Shine
Youth are challenged to create works of art that express what the Lord’s request—“arise and shine forth”—means to them. The museum will accept entries beginning on Monday, January 2, 2012. see more...

See other Church News Events

BYU Idaho Youth Summer Activities

Check out these three BYU Idaho Youth summer 2012 activities.

BYU Idaho Youth Programs - www.byui.edu/cc/youth
Whitewater Rafting, Horseback Riding, Temple Baptisims, Rope Courses, Palmyra Church History Sites

Youth and Family Programs - www.byui.edu/cc/oya
Badger Creek Ranch:
OYA - Outdoor Youth Adventure
Parent Teen Discovery - Reconnect, Rediscover, Recommit
Leadership for Life - College & Life Preparation

BYU Idaho Youth Experience Camps - www.byui.edu/cc/experience
Theatre Camp
Film Camp

*photo credit BYU Idaho; Community Connections, 103 Auxiliary Services Building - Rexburg, ID, 83460 - Phone: (208)496-1200

Temple Activity - March

March 20th the Young Women and Young Men will be attending the temple to do baptisms. Please prepare ahead of time by asking the Bishop to fill out a Youth Recommend.


Best of EFY Activity

Especially for Youth 2012 is right around the corner. To get a taste of what EFY is all about please attend this Saturday activity:
March 17, 2012. 9am - noon, $6 per youth, ages 12-18, at the Orem LDS Institute of Religion.

If you are interested in attending go to the BYU Best of EFY Utah Valley information page at http://ce.byu.edu/re/befy/utah/orem.cfm and sign up.

NOTE: We recommend early registration due to limited seating capacity and high demand for this program.
9:00–9:10 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
9:10–10:00 a.m. John Hilton III
Faculty, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Questions LDS Teens Want AnsweredThe questions selected are the ones I am most often asked, as a religious educator, by LDS teens.
10:10–11:00 a.m. Shad Martin
Seminary Principal, Spanish Fork, Utah
FriendsAre yours donkeys or Delilahs? Choose your friends carefully. They will greatly influence how you think and act.
11:10 a.m.–noon Scott Anderson
Institute Instructor, Sandy, Utah
The Perfect ManFollowing the Savior's perfect example will help each of us find greater strength and more meaningful relationships.

Saturday, March 17, 2012
9:00 a.m.–noon
$6 per youth
Orem LDS Institute of Religion
Utah Valley University Campus
785 West College Drive
Orem, Utah


Scout Camp 2012

Scout Camp 2012 will be held July 16-21st at the TIFIE camp in Mt Pleasant.

Cost for each scout will be discussed within future scouting activities.

February Pow Wow

This Saturday we will meet with the stake to earn up to two merit badges. We suggest you follow the scout motto and "be prepared" before you arrive. Read the requirements for each merit badge you wish to earn and try to complete the requirements on your own. Take a notebook with your answers to the Pow Wow so that you can finish everything within the short class time.

The merit badges offered during the Pow Wow are listed below with a link to each requirement. Merit badge cards will be provided along with the merit badge councilor to pass off all requirements.

Saturday Pow Wow - February
Where: Franklin First Ward building
When: Sat. Feb 18th
8:00 am -
Citizenship in the Nation *required for Eagle
Citizenship in the Community *required for Eagle
First Aid *required for Eagle
9:30 am -
Citizenship in the World *required for Eagle
Personal Management *required for Eagle